Friday, January 23, 2009


The text below is copied from the Tennessee Holocaust Commission's newsletter.  I would like for you to read it, link to the article on the USHMM website, and think especially about Elie Wiesel's quote.  Prior to seeing the movie, what are your thoughts on this?  Once we have seen the movie, you might want to comment again with another perspective.  

Jewish Resistance Focus of New Film

When Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel was asked why Jews did not fight during the
Holocaust, he replied "...the question is not why all the Jews did not fight, but
how so many of them did. Tormented, beaten, starved, where did they find the strength-spiritual
and physical-to resist?"
The new movie Defiance starring Daniel Craig is based on the real life experience
of the Bielski brothers who under the greatest of hardships fought as Wiesel described.
In December 1941 after the murder of Jews in the Baranowicze region in western Belorussia
which included their parents, the four remaining Bielski brothers fled into the
Zabielovo and Perelaz forests where they started a partisan unit. Led by eldest
brother Tuvia, the group grew from 13 to around 1000 between 1941 and 1944.
Tuvia insisted that resistance and rescue must go hand and hand and was vigilant
in his conviction that no Jew would be turned away whether armed or unarmed, young
or old, healthy or in need of medical attention. Remarkably at the end of the war
over 1200 Bielski partisans emerged from the forest thanks to the brothers and the
cooperative nature of the unit.


Anonymous said...

I am really excited to see this movie. I had never heard of the Bielske brothers and the resistance effort. It should be very enlighting.

Anonymous said...

"...the question is not why all the Jews did not fight, but
how so many of them did. Tormented, beaten, starved, where did they find the strength-spiritual
and physical-to resist?"

This statement truly surprises me. Before now I had not heard much about the resistance fighters, but according to the review the Bielske group eventually grew to a thousand fighters. I am amazed that people that were so hindered, as Mr. Wiesel describes, found the strength to muster the will to resist.

I agree with Paulina; the movie should be very enlighting. (Plus, it's Daniel Craig. You can't go wrong with him. :])

A. Davis said...

Sierra, I hope you are feeling better...

Corey W. said...

I hope everyone enjoys the movie! Sadly I will not be able to attend due to work.

Anonymous said...

I was finally able to see the movie on Monday. Even at the opening scene I felt personally invested. Which sounds wierd, I know, but not many movies these days make me emotional during the entire movie, but this movie did it for me in the first five minutes.
It's hard to imagine what how they did it. To save so many people. When most usually only look out for their best intrests. It was amazing. And I have to agree with Sierra. Daniel Craig is a very good choice.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to hear anyone discuss this in class yet- how did it go?!
For those of us who could not attend, I think it would be beneficial for the classmates who did see the movie to tell us a bit about it.


Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with Laura.
Sadly, I probably will not be able to see "Defiance" until it comes out on DVD. It looks like a truly touching and emotional film.
Is it as good as it sounds?


Anonymous said...

I thought the movie was excellent. I was surprised at the amount of people who joined the resistance. The Jews were tormented, beaten, and starved and yet they still had the ability to summon the last of their strength to fight against the Nazi invasion. To think that a race that has been persecuted for all of time, can muster the strength to fight back is truly inspirational.
-Nick Hape

Anonymous said...

I also agree with laura. I couldn't make it to the movie but I'm very interested in learning about it. Not long ago I saw the Valkyrie and it was excellent. I'm glad that they are finally coming out with some good movies informing people about the Holocaust!