Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Memorial Project, 2010

The Memorial Project this year was shirts with each student's Living On person on it. The kids came up with this because they felt that Holocaust remembrance is two-fold; to educate so that it doesn't happen again, as well as to keep the stories living on. These kids felt that these shirts would prompt people to ask for details, thus allowing them a chance to both educate as well as keep their survivor's story alive by telling it. I was very proud of this idea. The shirts had a photo of their Living On survivor on the front, as well as the words "NEVER AGAIN" and "Living On". The back had the name, the birthdate, and the location/situation during the Holocaust. It also included a quote from that person's story. Loved it!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

I Blew It.

There are so many great break-up lines, and so many of them could fit here. However, the one I am going to use is simply, "It's not you. It's me." I have been, quite honestly, way too busy this semester with school stuff and the blog was one of the casualties of my busy semester. I am sorry for that, because this is one way I truly love interacting with you and the subject matter. It is what is.

However, I can say one thing for certain-- although I love to interact with you and the subject matter through the blog, I did not need it this semester. You guys have been a model Holocaust Literature class. You are lovely, pleasant people, and I have had such great experiences with you this semester. You are focused, and most importantly, you are interactive. You appear to be interested in what we are doing and, I hope, you are GETTING it. You see the connections between the class and life, and hopefully are better people for it. I have had such an amazing time teaching this class this semester and I am so grateful that each and every one of you chose to take it. I feel like I have learned so much from you, as well. I thank each of you who had been in my classes in the past and still elected to put up with me again :) and I thank those of you who knew nothing of me to take a chance on me. I sincerely hope you feel, as I do, that this class is such a beneficial one to prevent the travesties of the Holocaust from happening again, and to learn the dangers of the silent bystander. Seniors, I wish you the best in your futures. I know that I will hear wonderful and amazing successes from each of you. Juniors, you have one more year... make it count. And don't forget where room 222 is, and come see me sometime! I am excited to see some of you in AP next year as well. I love you all, and I hope everything good comes your way.

Mrs. Davis