Friday, January 23, 2009


The text below is copied from the Tennessee Holocaust Commission's newsletter.  I would like for you to read it, link to the article on the USHMM website, and think especially about Elie Wiesel's quote.  Prior to seeing the movie, what are your thoughts on this?  Once we have seen the movie, you might want to comment again with another perspective.  

Jewish Resistance Focus of New Film

When Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel was asked why Jews did not fight during the
Holocaust, he replied "...the question is not why all the Jews did not fight, but
how so many of them did. Tormented, beaten, starved, where did they find the strength-spiritual
and physical-to resist?"
The new movie Defiance starring Daniel Craig is based on the real life experience
of the Bielski brothers who under the greatest of hardships fought as Wiesel described.
In December 1941 after the murder of Jews in the Baranowicze region in western Belorussia
which included their parents, the four remaining Bielski brothers fled into the
Zabielovo and Perelaz forests where they started a partisan unit. Led by eldest
brother Tuvia, the group grew from 13 to around 1000 between 1941 and 1944.
Tuvia insisted that resistance and rescue must go hand and hand and was vigilant
in his conviction that no Jew would be turned away whether armed or unarmed, young
or old, healthy or in need of medical attention. Remarkably at the end of the war
over 1200 Bielski partisans emerged from the forest thanks to the brothers and the
cooperative nature of the unit.

Week of January 26

Due to our unexpected "snow", Unit 1 took quite a while!!! Unit 2 and 3 will go much faster. This week we are going to work on learning about the Jewish culture and life prior to WWII.

Monday, January 26
Finish "Fiddler" and discussion

Tuesday, January 27
Research Pre-WWII Jewish life (library)

Wednesday, January 28
Research town, etc (library)

Thursday, January 29
Further research

Friday, January 30
Share and discuss your research


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration '09

Inauguration '09

The above text is hyper-linked to the transcript of President Obama's speech from Tuesday. We spent a lot of time on Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech in class. What effective strategies did Dr. King employ that you can find elements of in President Obama's? Would you consider this a moving speech? Why or why not? If so (or if not), do you think it achieves its purpose, whatever purpose he intended?

A Unit of Semantics

What thoughts do you have after our initial unit, which is a foundation for the class? We have discussed prejudice, discrimination, racism, anti-Semitism, genocide... Were there things you wanted to say in class, but didn't? What are your feelings on having watched "GATTACA"? Can you see the dangers of an "equal" society?

Week of January 21

What can we say about a THREE DAY WEEK!?!?! How lucky are we? :)

Wednesday, January 21
Notes, group activity
DUE: Stereotyping TV log

Thursday, January 22
Test over Unit 1
Elements of Drama
Intro to "Fiddler on the Roof"
Begin "Fiddler"

Friday, January 23
Watch "Fiddler"

Don't forget your Mindwatch journal! I have had a few entries in mine this week.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"I Am" Poems

In our introduction to the class, we talk a lot about identity and the fact that we have to really know ourselves and how we think and perceive the world around us. These are a couple of outstanding examples of the "I Am" poem we started with this semester.

Who I Am by Paulina
I am a mixture of cultures but can't speak the language
I am sure of where I am going but not how to get there
I am a football fan who doesn't know the rules
I am sunny beaches and a snowy day
I am a swimmer who is afraid of open water
I am a world traveler who hasn't really been anywhere
I am a reader of food labels but don't care what they say
I am aware, but not involved
I am comedy
I am quiet but my thoughts are loud
I am a friendly smile
I am a busy bee looking for things to do
I am a keeper of random facts
I am an observer
I am spiritual and religious
I am done with this poem

Who I Am by Elliott
I am movies that make you cry
I am an airplane flying to a different place
I am stars twinkling in the night sky
I am salt water and sand between toes
I am a lounge chair soaking up the sun
I am chocolate raspberry in a waffle cone at Brewster's
I am the thrill and adrenaline before a roller coaster ride
I am the bud to a flower blooming
I am sunsets in the sky
I am bike riding, hiking, and snow skiing
I am swimming pools and hot tubs
I am bright colors, yellow, pink, and lime
I am TV Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, and the OC
I am creative, fun, loud, and friendly
I am soccer in the fall
I am ambitious and know what I want in life
I am books that can't be put down
I am the lightning in a thunderstorm
I am the one laughing in a group

Friday, January 9, 2009

Week of January 12

Well guys, I do feel pretty good after Friday's discussion. I am sure that over time we will all get more comfortable with each other and our topic. This week should go along way in doing that, as we will have many more such discussions!

Monday, January 12
Fact vs. Opinion
Circles of my Multicultural Self activity
DUE: Parent letter and "I Am" poem
ASSIGNED: Keep a log of television watching and record when you see a character being stereotyped.

Tuesday, January 13
DUE: Fact/opinion activity

Wednesday, January 14
"GATTACA" and discussion

Thursday, January 15

Friday, January 16

Don't forget your Mindwatch journals!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Welcome to Holocaust Humanities Study in Film and Literature!

Well guys, welcome to our class blog. I will be requiring you all to comment once a week on the blog. I will certainly try to put interesting discussion topics, resource material, and conversation starters on here, as well as hopefully some amazing work by all of you. I cannot begin to express to you what it means to me to get to teach this class, a class on my passion for Holocaust education. Last year's class was beyond amazing and I know that you all will raise the bar even higher.

If you haven't seen it yet, "Valkyrie" was quite a good movie. I was most impressed with the accuracy to the historical information and contexts, as I know it. I also just finished The Book Thief. This book is narrated by Death and, as you might imagine, that provides quite an interesting format. I am anxious to start our class reaading and discussion. Have you read anything Holocaust-related lately? Seen anything?