Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rescue and Resistance

Reflect on the following statement from the Talmud: 

 "He who saves one life, it's as though he has preserved the existence of the entire world."

"Escape from Sobibor"

“Most people only dream their nightmares. However, I and my fellow survivors actually lived this experience,” said Philip Bialowitz, one of only seven remaining survivors of the Nazi extermination camp, Sobibor, where an estimated 250,000 Jews, including most of his family, were murdered. “We fought hard for our dignity and our lives. The inhumanity of the Nazis knew no limits.”

“Shema” by Primo Levi

You who live secure
In your warm houses
Who return at evening to find
Hot food and friendly faces:

Consider whether this is a man,
Who labors in the mud
Who knows no peace
Who fights for a crust of bread
Who dies at a yes or a no.
Consider whether this is a woman,
Without hair or name
With no more strength to remember
Eyes empty and womb cold
As a frog in winter.

Consider that this has been:
I commend these words to you.
Engrave them on your hearts
When you are in your house, when
you walk on your way,
When you go to bed, when you rise.
Repeat them to your children.
Or may your house crumble,
Disease renders you powerless,
Your offspring avert their faces from you.

Here is a link to a website about Philip Bialowitz where I got this information. Any response to his story, the movie, the poem?

Where Now?

We are certainly winding this train down! I just wanted to give you a heads up of all that is left. First of all, we are going to take time Fri to complete the timeline activity. Therefore, you need to bring all items you are placing in your capsule, a written description of each, and whatever supplies you need to remake the container.

Everyone traveling to Mayfield with me to do the play should have your permission form turned in. I need the group of people acting in the play to be in my room at 11:30 and the extra people to be here at noon. I am going to have to make two trips. You guys remember your dress rehearsal tomorrow during Connections.

Art Group, I need to know if your work is complete.

5K Group, we need to chat soon and get an update. Grant and Justin, when can you go over with me to Rolling Hills?

Likely I will assign a take-home test over the last two units. Wait to hear for sure on that.

Extra Credit option for everyone/anyone: There is a book left that I have done some years and not done others. This year I am making it extra credit. It is incredibly short, well-written, and funny and heartbreaking all at the same time. It is called Farewell to Manzanar and it's about the Japanese-American internment camps. If you choose to read it, it is due 12/17 and you need to get a copy from me ASAP.

We will research next week and you will ALL present your creative research projects on 12/13 and 12/14.

HONORS ONLY: This is it. I need to see your notes next week for your paper.

 Your final research paper is due when you present your creative project on 12/13-12/14. Your final two assignments are both easy and interesting. 

The first is to research a Holocaust memorial from ANYWHERE in the world and bring pictures of it and write an analysis of it. What makes it so meaningful? What drew you to it? What is the background story of the subject of the memorial AND the memorial itself? Was there any objection to it? Etc.  Due 12/17

Last of all, I want you to create a children's book based on the Holocaust. This can be about something specific from the Holocaust or it can take a specific message that is Holocaust-related and focus on it. Make these incredible, please. Due 12/19

Monday, November 26, 2012

Reflection Question

What rights do you think children are entitled to and why? Why do you think the rights of children are violated so often? What are the short-term and long-term dangers for a society that does not protect and care for its children?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Week of November 26

We're back! It's time! Hope you guys had a fabulous Thanksgiving break.

Monday, 11/26
The Children

Tuesday, 11/27
The Cage

Wednesday, 11/28
Seminar over The Cage

Thursday, 11/29
Rescue and America's Response

Friday, 11/30
BOB, Liberation

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Thoughts...

Get your tissues ready-- I'm about to wax poetic. ;) Seriously, though... You guys will forever remain one of the best Holocaust Lit classes I have ever had. My comfort level in this class, and the way you treat each other with such kindness and respect, will never be forgotten. I love your passion for the topic and your involvement in your Memorial Projects and your attention to the details. You provide the best hope for the future of our society and that makes my heart so happy. Thank you for being who you are and for caring about this topic and for the commitment I know you will make to better the world around you. The thought of how fast the next month will go after we get back from break makes me so incredibly sad. I can't imagine starting my days next semester in any way other than with your sweet faces every morning. I guess Sandra will have to carry the torch for the rest of you in first period. :)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving... the best is yet to come! :)

[Sidenote: I would like for you to finish your timeline projects by the time you leave for the semester. I hope to work in some class time, but not sure that will happen. You might have to divide up the work that is left and finish it.  5K group, we need to talk right after the break and get an update on what's left to be done before Christmas. Art group, if yours is finished, I need to know. I am looking for a good spot to hang it. Play people, I need your permission forms by Wednesday of that week. Also, if anyone's parent can drive, please let me know.  Honors people, I need your skeletal outline by Friday of this week. I would love to see a thesis statement the Monday after Thanksgiving.  EVERYONE: FINISH THE CAGE. IT'S DUE WHEN YOU GET BACK.]

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week of November 12

Well boy, oh boy, are we BUSY! I cannot WAIT to see how your memorial projects turn out! This week we will finish class time on those and then work on resistance. I would recommend, if you have time over the break (once you have read The Cage), to watch "Defiance". It's wonderfully done, if a little rough in places.

Monday, 11/12
Work on memorial projects

Tuesday, 11/13
Work on memorial projects

Wednesday, 11/14

Thursday, 11/15
"Escape from Sobibor"

Friday, 11/16
Finish "Escape", then work on resistance


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Service Organizations from my Memorial Pitch to You...

Below are four local service organizations, three of which I mentioned when I pitched our memorial idea to you. Several of you have asked me about them and so I thought I would just link them to the blog. In addition, I am planning to go work Refuge Community Center's Family Christmas event, so if anyone from the class wants to accompany me, feel free. The last link is to the organization that the 5K group has selected for their benefit. Check them out too!

Family Promise

Refuge Community Center

Transition Furniture

People for Care and Learning - Building a City

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Morally Outraged?

I wasn't originally planning to post any more about "Europa, Europa," but I was interested in how differently this class seemed to feel than some of my class members last year. Perel "became" "racially pure", not just "racially pure", but actually a German soldier and then a member of the Hitler Youth, in this movie. Most of you seemed to view this as admirable, a triumph of sorts because he "outsmarted" the Nazis. Some in the past have been almost morally outraged at his decision, and have viewed it as a betrayal of his people and his brothers. I would venture to guess that Holocaust survivors who have viewed this movie also have varying opinions on the topic. For the sake of argument, I just wondered if there was anyone who did not speak up in class on the opposing side but would like to do so on here. If this post speaks to anyone, I am very curious to hear your opinions.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Week of November 5

We are taking most of this week to start our Memorial Project, which will mean planning and executing one.

Monday, 11/5
Camps conclusion
Medical experimentation
Dachau documentary

Tuesday, 11/6
Abbreviated day

Wednesday, 11/7
Memorial project

Thursday, 11/8
Memorial project

Friday, 11/9
Memorial project
Abbreviated day

The Man behind "Europa! Europa!"

Here are a few articles about Solomon Perel...

LA Times


NY Times

No Academy Award

"Europa, Europa" won a Golden Globe Award from LA Film Critics. However, the German film committee decided not to nominate it for an Academy Award. The response in Germany to this film was, for the most part, negative. Some called the main character "opportunistic and cynical," while others questioned his morality. What is your reaction to the denial for this film to be eligible for an Academy Award by its own county's film critics?

20 lbs...

Gerda Weissman Klein and her family members were told that they could carry 20 lbs worth of items when they were deported. Look around your room, your house, your car, your school... can you imagine if your entire life, your history, your life story had to be collected into a 20 lb package? What impact must this have had on Gerda and her family? What impact would it have on you? Is there a societal difference between the world she was living in prior to the Holocaust and our materialistic country?

Response to ABML

Please respond to one (or both, if you are an overachiever) of the two questions below in response to the novel. Feel free as well to make other comments related to the novel.
1. It has often been said that major historical events provide an opportunity to see humanity's darkest side, as well as humanity's best side. What examples from the novel illustrate both points? Can you think of historical events from your lifetime that can be explained from each perspective? Give some examples.
2. There were so many instances in the text when someone did something that seemed insignificant for Gerda, yet it affected her strongly. Name some of those things and discuss how they had such an impact on her. Are there things that happen in your own life that might seem insignificant to others, yet are very encouraging to you?