Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Who We Are

Had some amazing poems turned in from the '10 Holocaust Literature class.  Here are a few of the most interesting ones...

Who I Am by Krisheena
I am hot cups of apple cider on a winter's day.
I am random whimsical laughter.
I am pacifism and animal rights.
I am old books with crinkly pages.
I am a conforming non-conformist.
I am sketchpads, paint, and brushes.
I am my mother's best friend and my father's only child.
I am iPods with music blaring at full blast.
I am socially awkward.
I am afternoon naps and warm fuzzy blankets.
I am simple, yet complicated.
I am a jumbled puzzle yet to be solved.

Who I Am by Karla
I am grassy meadows on cloudless summer days.
I am daydreams during math class.
I am a smile that remains after it is shared.
I am deep conversation over coffee.

I am bubble wrap, waiting to be popped.
I am secrets of the whispering wind.  
I am America's Next Top Model obsessed marathon.
I am the curiosity of a cat.

I am brownie melts with ice cream on top.
I am John Coltrane's sweetest melodies.  
I am early morning workouts at the gym.
I am facebook.

I am errors concealed by eraser marks.
I am a puzzled expression on a child's face.
I am sin washed away with blood.
I am Karla.

Who I Am by Sierra
I am books and short stories.
I am summer and rainy days.
I am unique.
I am an aspiring accountant.
I am Keds, long socks, and warm clothes.
I am a student with a love for history and science.
I am sushi, chocolate almonds, and voss water.
I am disciplined and respectful.
I am not a morning person or a night person, rather a middle of the day type person.
I am a learner.
I am google and yahoo news.
I am a lover of eco-friendly products.
I am action movies, not drama or romance.
I am crime shows.
I am wii sports.
I am my own person.

Who I Am by Brooke
I am swimming, biking, and hiking.
I am kayaking, running, and canoeing.  
I am outdoors.

I am leaping, turning, and gliding.
I am stretching, bending, and counting.
I am dance.

I am religious, Christian, and structured.
I am a follower, believer, and enlightener.
I am Catholic.

I am warm, sandy, and soothing.
I am relaxing, calming, and gentle.
I am an ocean breeze.

I am frosted, cold, and fun.
I am sharp, speedy, and moveable.
I am ice skates.

I am second-born, house-mate, and the favorite.
I am loving, argumentative, and compassionate.
I am a sister.

I am cheese, milk, and chicken.
I am arroz, musica, and Monterray.
I am pollo loco.

I am being educated, inhaling knowledge, and working.
I am focused, determined, and thinking.
I am student.

I am open-minded, politically absorbed, and unique.
I am loud, hard-working, and an extrovert.
I am me.

Who I Am by Trevor
I am cold winter breeze, toboggans, snow balls.
I am warm pizza dough, seasoned tomato sauce, and freshly cut onions.
I am old school and new school.
I am incapable of writing poems, stories, letters, or anything with words in it.
I am guitar solos and chords.
I am liberal and I believe in change.
I am freedom, equality, and justice.
I am America.
I am red, white, and blue, and all she stands for.
I am outspoken and I don't care who knows it.
I am funny movies, some scary ones.
I am a pizza-making machine.
I am agnostic (we have no idea).
I am confusing, surprising, and simple all in one.
I am loving and kind.
I am an individual.
I am an American.

Who I Am by Rachel
I am winter sunshine.
I am mermaids, unicorns, and dreams.
I am colorful in black and white.
I am should have been Italian.
I am go with the flow.
I am think twice, thrice, and whatever comes after that.
I am an endless story.
I am escape from reality.
I am open-minded with firm opinions.
I am addicted to art; my heroine.
I am claim no religion.
I am music flows through my veins, even when I die.
I am a black sheep.
I am never fit in, go against the current.
I am a mass of contradictions.
I am indecisive.
I am no one is wrong.
I am dive head-first into your passion.
I am never forget.