Monday, November 28, 2016

Holocaust Literature Final Project Guidelines

You will be completing a final creative project (and presenting it) focused on the specific area of study you chose. This is a research-based project. We will be working on it in class today. The guidelines and expectations are outlined below.

1.  Works Cited page: You must provide the sources from which you have borrowed quotations, information, facts, and ideas. It is arranged alphabetically by the first word of the entry. You must reference at least five different sources for your project. You also need to use proper MLA format. Bibme is a great web resource if you are not sure what MLA format looks like. 
2.  Sources:  Of the five sources you use, at least one of them must be a first-hand account. You might have to dig for this one. You are welcome to use the Internet, books, and/or movies/documentaries. Pay close attention to how academic/reputable the site appears to be regarding Internet sources. Stick with reputable sites.
3.  Notes: I would like for you to turn in your notes with your project. This is merely to ensure that you have done actual research on your topic.
4.  Thesis statement: Each project needs to be accompanied by a thesis statement. It is the answer to your topic research question. For example, what were the roles of women in Nazi Germany? To give your project direction, you might word a thesis statement like this: In Nazi Germany, women were not only seen as vital in continuing the “racial” bloodlines, they were expected to maintain peace and comfort within the home.
5.  Creative Project: This can take on any format you wish. There are numerous examples throughout the classroom. It should take at least three-four hours to complete, not counting research time. It is to be a visual representation of your thesis statement... posters, models, sculptures, paintings, videos, photo montages, video montages, etc.

6.  Project Presentation: We will not have time for presentations this year. Instead, you will simply turn in your project, notes, thesis statement, and works cited page.


Labor Camps (specifically by name)
Particular Events (Le Chambon, SS St. Louis, Kristallnacht, etc)
Particular People (Schindler, Bonhoeffer, Niomuller)
T-4 Euthanasia Program
Death Camps (by name)
Victim Groups (pick one)
Rescue (specific)
Jewish Resistance
Non-Jewish Resistance
Displaced Persons Camps
Holocaust Memorials

There are other topics not listed here because they are already taken. You are welcome to pick something not on the list AS LONG AS IT ISN'T ALREADY TAKEN. Feel free to text me and ask about any topic you are interested in. There are lots of people in this room who have my number if you don't. 

When you have decided on a topic, come to the sub and have him/her write your name next to your chosen topic. That topic is now closed. Only one person is allowed each topic.

Text me with any questions.