Assignment #2 Photo Analysis
Using the following questions, analyze ONE of the photos. Write this on a separate piece of paper.
Describe what you see. · What do you notice first? · What people and objects are shown? · How
are they arranged? · What is the physical setting? · What, if any, words do you see? · What other details can you see?
Why do you think this image was made? · What’s happening in the image? · When do you think it was made? · Who do you think was the audience for this image? · What tools were used to create this?
· What can you learn from examining this image? · What’s missing from this image? · If someone made this today, what would be different? · What would be the same?
What do you wonder about...
who? · what? · when? · where? · why? · how?
Assignment #3 Photo Research-- type these paragraphs on a sheet of paper in the lab. You will present them tomorrow.
Look up each town from your two photographs. You need to write a well-researched paragraph for each in which you will note the following:
How large was the town/city's Jewish population and how long had Jews been living there?
What was the Jewish life/culture in that town/city like prior to the Nazi invasion?
Where is or was that town/city located?
When and how did the town/city come under Nazi rule?
What was the fate of this particular town's/city's Jews during the Holocaust? What about the country?
Assignment #4 Photo Reflection-- using one of the photos you selected from the archives and the photo you brought from home to "match" it, please answer the following questions, also in a typed paragraph:
Identify evidence that suggests that life was normal for Jews prior to the Nazis.
What did you discover as you looked through your own family's photos in comparison to those that you had researched?
Which photo of your family did you choose that relates and why?
How do the photos show similarities between you, your family, or your community to those in European Jewish life prior to WWII?
Hamlet Memorization
6 years ago
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